Limited Assistance Representation

Limited Assistance Representation (LAR) is a reduced cost alternative to litigate a Family Law matter. LAR is a middle ground between having full legal representation of an attorney and not having an attorney for your case. With LAR, a lawyer is used only in certain circumstances, such as to appear with the client for a motion hearing, settlement conference or even a trial.  Also, the attorney could be used to draft motions or just for advice.  The best part about LAR is that the client can proceed with a matter and have legal services at a reduced price without being alone.

The cost of limited scope representation is typically less than a fully retained matter because the client undertakes his/her own portions of the legal matter and the lawyer can withdraw after the purposes of the limited representation have been completed.  For example, the lawyer can appear for only a motion hearing, settlement conference, or for a trial.  The lawyer can also represent the client to prepare motions or pleadings to be filed with the court.